FPA Statements
The Foreign Press Association strongly urges the Israeli government to immediately lift restrictions preventing foreign journalists from entering Gaza. For the past 15 months, these unprecedented restrictions have severely hindered independent reporting, robbing the world of a full picture of the situation in Gaza and placing an undue and dangerous burden on our Palestinian colleagues in the territory.
Our primary mission focuses on protecting the interests of reporters working in Israel, the West Bank and/or Gaza Strip who often find themselves overwhelmed or even threatened by the authorities on both sides of the Israeli/Palestinian divide.
Income Tax
Article 75A of the Income Tax Ordinance provides special tax benefits to journalists who are registered with the Foreign Press Association (FPA) and also meet two other criteria . . .
become an FPA Member
We encourage all journalists working for international news organizations and based in Israel, the West Bank and/or Gaza Strip to become members of the FPA.

Chairperson Tania Kraemer
The current FPA Chairperson, Tania Kraemer, is the Jerusalem-based correspondent and video-journalist for Deutsche Welle for 10 years.
representing journalists all over the globe
For over 65 years the FPA has represented journalists working for these and countless other news organizations from all over the globe, from Brooklyn to Beijing, from Stockholm to Sydney.