- Foreign Press Association
- 1 Agudat Hasport Hapoel St.
- Jerusalem 9695102
- Israel
- +972 (0)54-6311177
- fpa.execsec@gmail.com
Historic Photo Gallery
Memorable moments out of the lives of our members, representing over six decades of journalism in the Middle East.
The FPA thanks AP, Reuters, AFP, EPA, André Brutmann, Luke Baker, David Rubinger and David Silverman/Getty Images for the use of their photos.
If you’re able to contribute images to this page, that will be highly appreciated. Please contact Executive Secretary Ellen Korsney via email at: fpa.execsec@gmail.com.

TIME senior staff interview Sheikh Ahmed Yassin at his home
Lisa Beyer (TIME) interviews Yizhak Rabin at his home. Center: Eitan Haber
Cordelia Edvardson (Svenska Dagbladed) interviews Leopold Trepper of the ”Red Orchestra” spy network
Annette Grossbongardt (Der Spiegel) checks out a check post
Alvin Rosenfeld (NBC) doing a standup in Sheikh Jarrah
The Alexander Hotel in Beirut, home to the foreign correspondents, after a car bomb exploded nearby
Covering the Beirut war from the comfort of the Alexander Hotel roof
Juergen Hargrefe (Der Spiegel) with Sheikh Yassin
Yizhak Ben Gavriel, freelancer for German newspapers, interviews Golda Meir
Monica Dehn, TIME/LIFE’s first stringer in Israel. interviews Moshe Dayan digging fortifications opposite Gaza
Matt Rees (TIME) on a flight with Benjamin Netanyahu
Lazar Bianco, cameraman for UPI-TN
David Rubinger, Lisa Beyer and Ron Ben-Ishay in South Lebanon
Howard Goller (Reuters) and Nick Tatro (AP) both former FPA chairmen
TIME Bureau Chief and former FPA chairman Bob Slater with actor Chuck Norris
Mike Elkins, BBC
Shabtai Tal, Mike Elkins and Gideon Berli at the annual FPA meeting with Israeli Prime Minister, Begin
Mike Kubic, Newsweek Bureau Chief, interviews Menachem Begin
Roland Flamini aboard a flight to Washington with Shimon Peres
Hanne Foighel (Politiken) and Ariel Sharon
Rudolf Kuerstermayer, correspondent for Deutche Presse Agentur. reads his pool notes on the execution of Adolf Eichmann
Eric Silver of The Independent and former FPA Chairman with former Mossad head Efraim Halevi
Annette Grossbongardt (Der Spiegel) checks out a check post
Der Spiegel photographer André Brutmann at an Israeli checkpoint
Marlin Levin (TIME) and former FPA Chairman with Golda Meir
France 2 Jerusalem Bureau during the First Gulf War
FPA presser with Jibril Rajoub, FPA Chairman Samer Shalabi, October 2014
FPA Chairman Simon McGregor-Wood with former head of the Mossad Efraim Halevy
Annette Grossbongardt (Der Spiegel) with Israel’s President Moshe Katzav
Herbert Pundik, Hanne Foighel and Shimon Peres
Dan Bloom, CBS Bureau Chief and one time FPA Chairman. The air shuttle between Israel and Cyprus was nicknamed ” Bloom Air”
Time out
André Brutmann (Der Spiegel)
Shabtai Tal, Mike Elkins and Gideon Berli at the annual FPA meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Begin
Arie Wallenstein. former FPA chairman, gives the pool report on Eichmann’s execution
TIME’s Jamil Hamad in Hebron
The FPA hosts President Ruby Rivlin, seen with David Rubinger
Hanne Foighel with PM Yitzhak Rabin
Anne Ponger reports from St. Catherine in the Sinai
Newsweek’s photographer Shomo Arad in South Lebanon
Early days of the Foreign Press. A poker game at the Government Press Office. At that time the GPO was housed in the Russian Compound
Marlin Levin ,TIME correspondent and former FPA chairman, with David Ben-Gurion
Bill Seamans and Barbara Walters
Hanne Foighel and Sylke Tempel interview Ehud Barak
Chief of Staff Ehud Barak and TIME Bureau Chief Lisa Beyer
Jamil Hamad, Lazar Bianco and Yizhak Rabin
On the steps of President Makarios’s palace in Nicosia. Shabtai Tal, Dan Pattir and Yoram Ronnen
The three major networks in brotherly love- Bill Seamans, Hillary Brown and Bob Simon
Der Spiegel photographer André Brutmann
Jamil Hamad with Jibril Rajoub
Shlomo Arad
Annette Grossbongardt (Der Spiegel) and baby in Jerusalem
Foreign press party at the home of Jim Hollander and Rina Castelnuovo
Bob Simon of CBS has a head wound tended in Beirut
Matt Rees of TIME interviews a border policeman
Der Spiegel’s André Brutmann
Sven Nackstrand (AFP) takes a day off
News photographers outside the Likud Party HQ after the 1977 election victory of Menachem Begin
Johanna McGeary, TIME Bureau Chief, slips a note into the cracks of the Western Wall
Mike Elkins interviews Border Police head Zvi Bar
Nablus Mayor Bassam Shaka’a meets the foreign press. Center: David Aikman
Francis Ofner, FPA founder and first chairman, with PM Yizhak Rabin
Foreign Press Association in Israel, Yearly General Assembly. The board.
MK MERAV MICHAELI, guest speaker.
Jay Bushinsky, CNN Bureau chief at the time, with Ariel Sharon in Beirut
Foreign Press Assoc. at King David Hotel
Former FPA chairman Peter Allen-Frost and Tami
The FPA hosts President Ruby Rivlin, seen with David Rubinger
FPA Chairman Peter Allen-Frost welcomes PM Yizhak Shamir to and FPA presser
Likud Party HQ in 1977 after general election victory