The FPA is a non-profit organization representing journalists working for international news organizations reporting from Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip

David Aikman

Chairman FPA 1982

FPA Chairman 1982. Went on to be TIME bureau chief in Beijing (1983-1985), correspondent and senior correspondent in the Washington bureau (1985-1994), left time to pursue writing and TV projects. Narrated and interviewed for documentary on the Oslo process, called Vanishing Peace: The Aftermath of Oslo in August 1999. Run world-wide by BBC. Published Great Souls: Six Who Changed the Century in 1998 and made six-part documentary in 2002 for PBS. Aikman is a successful author. Among the books he has written: Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity Is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power (2003), A Man of Faith: The Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush (2004),  the novel QI (2005), The Delusion of Disbelief (2008), and The Mirage of Peace: Understanding the Never-Ending Conflict in the Middle East (2009).


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