The FPA is a non-profit organization representing journalists working for international news organizations reporting from Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Historic Photo Gallery

Memorable moments out of the lives of our members, representing over six decades of journalism in the Middle East.

The FPA thanks AP, Reuters, AFP, EPA, André Brutmann, Luke Baker, David Rubinger and David Silverman/Getty Images for the use of their photos. 

If you’re able to contribute  images to this page, that will be highly appreciated. Please contact Executive Secretary Ellen Korsney via email at:

David Rubinger, Lisa Beyer and Ron Ben-Ishay in South Lebanon
David Rubinger, Lisa Beyer and Ron Ben-Ishay in South Lebanon
Marlin Levin, TIME correspondent and former FPA Chairman, with Golda Meir
Newsweek’s photographer Shomo Arad in South Lebanon
Alvin Rosenfeld, NBC, doing a standup in Sheikh Jarrah
Bob Simon of CBS has a head wound tended in Beirut
Early days of the Foreign Press. A poker game at the Government Press Office. At that time the GPO was housed in the Russian Compound
France 2 Jerusalem Bureau during the First Gulf War
Anne Ponger reports from St. Catherine in the Sinai
Annette Grossbongardt of Der Spiegel checks out a check post
Andy Meisels interviews Shimon Peres in the Knesset
TIME senior staff interview Sheikh Ahmed Yassin at his home
André Brutmann of Der Spiegel
Matt Rees of TIME interviews a border policeman
Covering the Beirut war from the comfort of the Alexander Hotel roof
Monica Dehn, TIME:LIFE’s first stringer in Israel interviews Moshe Dayan digging fortifications opposite Gaza
Hanne Foighel with PM Yitzhak Rabin
Hanne Foighel with PM Yitzhak Rabin
Lisa Beyer (TIME) interviews Yizhak Rabin at his home. Center: Eitan Haber
Nablus Mayor Bassam Shaka’a meets the foreign press. Center: David Aikman
Roland Flamini aboard a flight to Washington with Shimon Peres
Jamil Hamad
TIME’s Jamil Hamad in Hebron
Marlin Levin ,TIME correspondent and former FPA chairman, with David Ben-Gurion
Marlin Levin ,TIME correspondent and former FPA chairman, with David Ben-Gurion
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