The FPA is a non-profit organization representing journalists working for international news organizations reporting from Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip

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Honorary Members

* The provided data are periodically checked and updated. Nevertheless, this guide may contain outdated info, typos and other mistakes. If you notice a listing in need of updating, please provide the current data to the FPA’s Executive Secretary at Your collaboration in keeping these listings current is highly appreciated.

Allen-Frost, Tami
Arad, Shlomo
Assali, Khalil
Baker, Luke
Balmer, Crispian
Bar-Am, Micha
Baquis, Aldo
Batrawi, Walid
Blumenthal, Daniel
Bouman, Salomon
Brilliant, Joshua
Cashman, Greer Fay
Castelnuovo, Rina Hollander
Cymerman, Henrique
Dachs, Dr. Gisela
Danahar, Paul
Enderlin, Charles
Fletcher, Martin
Foighel, Hanne
Goller, Howard
Gozani, Ohad
Grego, Meir
Guenther, Inge
Gutkin, Steven
Heller, Dr. Jefrey
Hollander, Jim
Heumann, Pierre
Kierszenbaum, Enrique
Knaul, Susanne
Krosney, Herbert
Kupferschmidt, Prof. Marcel (Uri)
Landsmann, Charles A.
Lavie, Mark
Lederman, Jim
Lindwer, Willy
Lynfield, Ben
McGregor-Wood, Simon
Meijers, Joop
Minerbi, Sergio
Muller, Alfred
Osho, Mohamad
Opall-Rome, Barbara
Perry, Dan
Ponger, Anne
Raccah, Giorgio
Rees, Matt Beynon
Rosenthal, Eddo
Sahm, Ulrich
Segenreich, Ben
Shalabi, Samer
Silverman, David
Singer, Renee
Steele, Andrew
Stephenson, James
Sugarman, Glenys
Szpiro, Dr. George
Tal, Adi
Tal, Shabtai
Tszorf, Maurice
Ungar, Jacques
Werkman, Willy
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