The FPA is a non-profit organization representing journalists working for international news organizations reporting from Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip

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Active members

* The provided data are periodically checked and updated. Nevertheless, this guide may contain outdated info, typos and other mistakes. If you notice a listing in need of updating, please provide the current data to the FPA’s Executive Secretary at Your collaboration in keeping these listings current is highly appreciated.

Kafri, Nir
Kahana, Menachem
Kanaaneh, Nidal
Kayal, Muafak
Kayal, Tarik
Keinan, Tia
Kershner, Isabel
Keshawi, Azmi E.H.
Khabeisa, Mustafa
Khadder, Kareem
Khader, Abdelkarim
Khader, Ismaiel
Khadija, Jamana
Khalaf, Basel Mohammed
Khaleel, Khader
Khatib, Omar
Khoury, George
Khoury, Lina
Kingsley, Patrick
Kitzler, Jan Christoph
Kleiman, Gidi
Knell, Yolande
Krämer, Tania
Kriegel, Danielle
Krogman, Andrea
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