- Foreign Press Association
- 1 Agudat Hasport Hapoel St.
- Jerusalem 9695102
- Israel
- +972 (0)54-6311177
- fpa.execsec@gmail.com
Active members
* The provided data are periodically checked and updated. Nevertheless, this guide may contain outdated info, typos and other mistakes. If you notice a listing in need of updating, please provide the current data to the FPA’s Executive Secretary at fpa.execsec@gmail.com. Your collaboration in keeping these listings current is highly appreciated.
Zabaneh, Rania
- Al Jazeera International
- City Center Building, 8th Floor, Ramallah
- 02 2976822
- 02 2951586
- 059 9121116
- rania.zabaneh@aljazeera.net
Zaher, Yasmin
- Agence France Press
- Building 9, 2nd Floor, Malcha Technology Park, Jerusalem 96951
- 02 6440911
- 054 4735165
- yasminzaher@gmail.com
Zaqout, Hisham
- Al Jazeera Satellite Network
- Al Jala’a Building, 11th Floor, Gaza City
- 08 2825423
- 059 9696444
- zaqouth@aljazeera.net
Zuheiri, Omar
- Al Jazeera Satellite Network
- City Center Building, 8th Floor, Ramallah
- 02 2951414
- 059 9522722
- zuhairio@aljazeera.net
Zvulun, Ronen
- Reuters News, Photographer
- Tower Building, 12th Floor, Malcha Technological Park, Jerusalem 9695101
- 02 6322226
- 057 2208281
Zwiegenberg, Ohad
- The Associated Press
- 206 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem 9438302
- 02 6300200
- 050 2165858
- ozweigenberg@ap.org
Zyara, Samy
- ABC News, Producer
- P.O. Box 13130, Jerusalem 9438302
- 02 5005911
- 08 2804404
- 059 9401267
- szyara@hotmail.com