- Foreign Press Association
- 1 Agudat Hasport Hapoel St.
- Jerusalem 9695102
- Israel
- +972 (0)54-6311177
- fpa.execsec@gmail.com
Active members
* The provided data are periodically checked and updated. Nevertheless, this guide may contain outdated info, typos and other mistakes. If you notice a listing in need of updating, please provide the current data to the FPA’s Executive Secretary at fpa.execsec@gmail.com. Your collaboration in keeping these listings current is highly appreciated.
Badarneh, Alaa
- EPA, Photographer
- P.O. Box 1524, Nablus
- 09 2371372
- 059 9207635
- alaabadarneh@yahoo.com
Bader, Hazem
- Agence France Presse, Photographer
- 18 King David Street, 1st Floor, Jerusalem 9410143
- 02 6440909
- 059 7977077
- hazembader@yahoo.com
Badwan, Emad Jaber
- Alaraby, Gaza Correspondent
- 059 9774483
- ebadwan@alaraby.tv
Balilty, Oded
- The Associated Press, Photographer
- 206 Jaffa Raod, Jerusalem 9438302
- 02 6300200
- 054 7466387
- obalilty@ap.org
Balousha, Hazem
- The Washington Post
- 35 Nasser Street, Gaza City
- 08 2886556
- 059 9425142
- hazembal@gmail.com
Banoura, Majdi
- Al Jazeera Satellite Network
- City Center Building, 8th Floor, Ramallah
- 02 2951414
- 059 9041481
- bannouram@aljazeera.net
Basheer, Khaled
- Al Arabiya
- Ramallah
- 02 2961226
- 059 9555570
- khaledmbc@hotmail.com
Bazbaz, Sameer
- 206 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem 91342
- 02 5600510
- 054 7780396
- sbazbaz2003@yahoo.com
Ben Gal, Michal
- CBS News
- Albert Einstein 27, apt. 3, Rosh Ha’ayin
- 054 6612161
- bengalm@cbsnews.com
Ben Haim, Liora
- ARD German TV
- 5 Hahaskala Blvd., Tel Aviv 6789005
- 03 6234200
- 054 4390147
- liorabh@gmail.com
Benoliel, Mael
- France Televisions
- 054 7371267
- maelbenoliel@gmail.com
Berger, Miriam
- The Washington Post
- 052 4359339
- WhatsApp: +16469065547
- miriam.berger@washpost.com
Berger, Robert
- CBS News
- P.O. Box 9096, Jerusalem 9109002
- 054 6862723
- rdberger@netvision.net.il
Berlzon, Eli
- Reuters TV
- Tower Building 12th Floor, Malcha Technology Park, Jerusalem 9695101
- 02 6322214
- 054 4240959
- eli.berlzon@thomsonreuters.com
Blufarb, Raschel
- RTL TV, Germany, M.E. Correspondent
- 20 Ashtori Hafarchi St , Tel Aviv 6274315
- 03 5498200
- 054 7395926
- raschel.blufarb@rtl.de
- www.infonetwork.de
Blum, Michael
- Agence France Presse
- 052 836935
- michael.blum@afp.com
Borek, David Dr.
- 052 4851034
- david.borek@ceskatelevize.cz
Boukhelifa, Sami
- Radio France Internationale
- 02 6333594
- 054 2994788
- sami.boukhelifa@rfi.fr
Bronner, Ethan
- Bloomberg News, Bureau Chief
- 058 6558607
- ebronner@bloomberg.net
Brunori, Giovan Battista
- RAI Radio Televisione Italiana, Bureau Chief
- 206 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem 9438302
- 02 5014100
- 054 9163534
Budeiri, Ahmad
- AlGhad TV, Correspondent
- 206 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem 9438302
- 054 7688534
- ahmad.budeiri@alghad.tv
Budeiri, Jivara
- Al Jazeera Satellite Network
- Tower Building, 11th Floor, Malcha Technology Park, Jerusalem 96951
- 059 9501602
- budeirij@aljazeera.net
Bunkall, Alistair
- Sky News
- 206 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem
- 054 7780394
- alistair.bunkall@sky.uk
Buqai, Hamoudi
- Al Arabiya, Senior Producer
- 212 Jaffa Road, Suite 910, Jerusalem 94383
- 02 5381713
- 054 4475971
- mohamed.buqai@mbc.net
Buzzetti, Alessandra
- TV2000
- 4 Ruth Street, Jerusalem
- 052 8933740
- a.buzzetti@tv2000.it