- Foreign Press Association
- 1 Agudat Hasport Hapoel St.
- Jerusalem 9695102
- Israel
- +972 (0)54-6311177
- fpa.execsec@gmail.com
Active members
* The provided data are periodically checked and updated. Nevertheless, this guide may contain outdated info, typos and other mistakes. If you notice a listing in need of updating, please provide the current data to the FPA’s Executive Secretary at fpa.execsec@gmail.com. Your collaboration in keeping these listings current is highly appreciated.
Mackenzie, James
- Reuters, Bureau Chief
- Tower Building, 12th Floor, Malcha Technology Park, Jerusalem 9695101
- 02 6322212
- 054 4240980
- james.mackenzie@tr.com
Majadly, Mohamed
- Al Jazeera Satellite Network
- City Center Building, 8th Floor, Ramallah
- 02 6700615
- 050 8111760
- majadlym@aljazeera.net
Marzel, Lee
- Reuters TV
- Tower Building, 12th Floor, Malcha Technology Park, Jerusalem 9695101
- 02 6322212
- 054 4240949
- lee.marzel@thomsonreuters.com
Mashal, Ahmad
- ZDF German TV
- 5 Hahaskala Blvd., Tel Aviv 67890
- 03 6240086
- 054 7997960
- mashal5@yahoo.com
Mashharawi, Mohammed
- Sky News Arabia
- Omar al Mokhtar Street, 14th Floor, Gaza City
- 08 28300076
- 059 9166087
- mohammed.mashharawi@skynewsarabia
Matthieussent, Delphine
- Agence France Presse
- 18 King David Street, 1st Floor, Jerusalem 9410143
- 02 6440900
- 054 6507716
- delphmat@gmail.com
McKernan, Bethan
- The Guardian
- 050 8491094
- +44 7308261144
- bethan.mckernan@theguardian.com
McNeil, Samuel
- The Associated Press
- 206 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem 9438302
- 02 2408252
- 050 5505513
- smcneil@ap.org
Meier, Bettina
- ARD German Public Radio
- 4 Derech Hashalom, Tel Aviv
- 03 5655300
- 054 6960935
- bettina.meier@ard-telaviv.de
Meier, Christian
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Correspondent
- 6 Hanevi’im Street, Tel Aviv
- +49 1728159893
- c.meier@faz.de
Michael, David Jimmy
- BBC News, Video Producer
- Tower Building, 15th Floor, Malcha Technology Park, Jerusalem 9695101
- 02 5374199
- 054 2327936
- jimmy.michael@bbc.co.uk
Miguet, Arnauld
- France Televisions (Bureau Chief)
- 206 Jaffa Road, Jerusalem
- 054 70449900
- arnauld.miguet@francetv.fr
Miki, Koji
- Mainichi Newspapers, Japan
- 054 6605793
- mikikoji0811@gmail.com
Miqdad, Abdallah
- AlAraby TV
- Roya Tower, Gaza
- 059 9414883
- amokdad@alaraby.tv
Mitchell, Chris
- CBN News, Bureau Chief
- P.O. Box 1612, Jerusalem 91999
- 02 6250588
Mohammed, Majdi
- The Associated Press
- El Bireh Commercial Tower, 7th Floor, Ramallah
- 02 2408250
- 059 9464791
- majdi_ap@hotmail.com
Munayer, Rabi Hassan
- Alaraby, Cameraman
- Ramallah
- 059 8999501
- rabi.press@gmail.com
Musleh, Mohammed
- AlArabiya
- 212 Jaffa Road, apt 910, Jerusalem 94383
- 02 2961226
- 059 9306070
Musleh, Nuha
- 054 6284666
- nmusleh@gmail.com